Now, let's create the focus modes:

Initial Setup

  1. Go to Settings > Focus
  2. Press the "+" button in the top right corner to create a new focus
  3. You can either select a premade focus or use a custom one (I'll use custom in this example)
  4. On the next page, you can:


Notification Settings & Home Page

  1. Once you're done, click "Next"
  2. In this page, you can choose to limit:
  3. Under the notifications settings, you'll see "Customize Screens"
  4. Click on the "Choose" button on the right
  5. Here, you'll choose the home screen page for that specific focus mode
  6. Select the page you just created in Step 2
  7. You can then exit the settings


Control Center Configuration

  1. Open the Control Center of your iPhone

  2. If you don't have a Focus control here, you should add one:


Lock Screen Customization